Emily Smith

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From predicting Christmas presents as a child to coaching high-achieving women in their thirties through breathwork facilitation, essential oils, and life coaching, Emily Smith has always leaned on her intuition to build a strong relationship with herself. Now, chatting with plenty of plants and clients has led her to write her first memoir as well as connect with celebrated authors, coaches, and thought leaders using plant medicine to expand consciousness in the collective.

We caught up with Emily to learn more about her journey to discovering her intuitive abilities and what it takes to feel true peace.

Healer Name: ( = street you grew up on + birthstone): 

Forest Garnet


Intuitive Thought Leader

How did you discover your intuitive abilities? And how do you work with them?

My family has always joked that I'm psychic and I would share my predictions in different ways, like I would (annoyingly) guess Christmas presents before I opened them every year. All joking aside, I only started consciously developing my intuitive abilities in 2017, about a year after my dad died unexpectedly from alcoholism. That experience of grief completely opened me up psychically, and I started joining intuitive development and mediumship groups to learn more about these abilities. I was drawn to learn more as I was getting messages from my dad in dreams and connecting with my dad's spirit, which opened me up to the spirit world and how it works. Over the years, I've healed a lot of emotional wounds that were in the way of my intuition and developed the relationship with it where it's now how I lead my life. Using intuition when coaching allows me to access higher knowledge not possible through the mind, and it helps me tap into my clients’ energy field which can help uncover blocks in the form of energy that needs to be released.

As a healer, what is your personal guide to wholeness?

My personal guide to wholeness is to own all parts of yourself. Without this, you will have blind spots to the areas of yourself that you don't want to show the world, and this won't allow you to be fully embodied in your day-to-day life. You won't be able to be fully present without this wholeness, and that's a quality needed to feel true peace. If you're out of balance in one area, it will affect your entire state of being, so making sure to take care of your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies is key — loving yourself as you are, right now, is the start to feeling whole. It's so easy to fall into the trap of needing to heal everything until you're loveable and that's just not possible. Learning self-acceptance and making peace with the different facets of yourself on the journey to wholeness are the healthiest things you can do for the relationship with yourself, and then your relationship with yourself sets the tone for the rest of the relationships in your life.

How has this work impacted your relationship to yourself?

I've had to truly grow into my worth and fully step into my roles as teacher, healer, and coach. I've had to learn to be uncomfortable and put myself out there, and heal my relationship to my ego. I can't lead anyone else where I'm not willing to go, and I'm a warrior that faces my challenges head on to show others the way. I've let go of relationships, places, jobs, patterns, and hobbies that weren't serving me in order to get here. This work has shown me that I'm simply a conduit, which is an important role, but it's ultimately up to the person I'm connecting with to be their own healer and authority in their life. It's allowed me to cut myself slack in my relationship with myself and put deeper faith in the divine.

Why do you think so many high-achieving women in their 30s come to you feeling blocked?

We live in a patriarchal and capitalist society that values productivity, science, and logical thinking over everything. Women's power has been suppressed for so long that it's not uncommon for high-achieving women to feel disconnected from their power, their intuition, their money and their worth, outside of their productivity — we've been taught to! These are ingrained patterns, and it's not until their 30's that many women come to a crossroads and truly make the transition from girl to woman, with major life transitions as the catalysts. It's the most beautiful transformation for me to witness when women come out on the other side of life's challenges, shedding what holds them back and shining their light brightly.

In what capacity to you use plant medicine and essential oils for healing?

Plants are allies I work with to heal, support my emotional and physical wellbeing, and to guide myself and my clients on their spiritual path. Plants are tools for multidimensional healing, and literally provide life-giving spiritual strength during life transitions and healing. It's a beautiful reciprocal relationship where taking care of plants helps you take care of yourself. Plants have come through my life in a major way and are the inspiration behind my podcast Plant Wisdom, which was completely their idea. Essential oils are highly concentrated forms of plants that are able to heal topically on a cellular level as they are fat-soluble, and aromatically with the limbic system, which is the seat of the emotions. Essentials oils are intelligent in that they're able to influence and heal the subconscious. I have been witness to women healing ancestral patterns, forgiving themselves and everyone that hurt them, and even increasing their wealth using custom blends I recommend.

How do you want to serve on a large scale and create a lasting impact?

It's become clear to me that my purpose is to be a healer, guide, and space holder to lead women back to their true essence, and become the creators in their lives. I've seen it with countless women how rewriting their stories allows them to use challenging circumstances to transform to overcome them. How I want to serve is to guide by using my wisdom in navigating change and holding space for women to fully express their emotions, feel seen, let go of stories no longer serving them, and face their challenges head-on, loving themselves through the process. I'm here to prompt women to dive deep into their healing, so they can know themselves intimately, be with their emotions, and feel whole in all aspects of their life. My ultimate goal in all that I do is to show women that they are their own healers, so that they can free themselves and create life on their terms.

What’s one truth you’d like to say out loud to the collective?

So many things! The first that comes to mind is that you have so much more power than you think. Expressing power is not always about taking action, although that's important, you can also influence collective change through your own energy you emit and the life you experience. No matter what, you always have a choice in what you do. If something is not working the way you like it, then you can express that and take a different action. You are never stuck, and the intention you hold for the collective is something that can reflect in the physical.

Connect with Emily @guidetowholeness

Lynée Hastings